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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Fox 30 News Interview

Wow, yesterday was a crazy day! I almost passed out when a call came through from my neighbor/client, Megan Marasigan-owner of Trace Designs, and asked me if I wanted to be on TV!!!! Uh, yeah, of course! Fox 30 News was doing a piece on moms and their home- based businesses. They were already interviewing her and asked if she knew of any other moms with businesses, and she thought of me! How sweet of her... Next thing I knew there was a camera and news reporter in my face on my backporch. And when you view the video, you'll see just how IN my face the camera was...extreme close up, the kind ladies say, "whoa...back up please, I'm wrinkly around the old eye area". Regardless, I got to be on TV and talk about my business, even though it was only for about 10 seconds or so! Drew was on there too, my little man, smiling away. He was so excited... So, watch the video on the right of this page, I'm about half-way through the 2 min. piece. Here's a link in case the video doesn't start: The neat part is that I took the pictures for Trace Designs website and they featured them on the piece as well. I'm so happy for Megan, she's doing really well with her business. Us moms have to support eachother in every way we can and today was a prime example of that. Whew, what a crazy good day!

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