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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Session/Artist Fee

Hi all...There is a change that everyone should be aware of. As of today (5/4/08) Photography by Jennifer Howell will require the Session/Artist fee ($125) up front to reserve your session date. I have only implemented this change because of an issue with a client lately. So, here's the new arrangement:

Session/Artist fee: $125 for up to 6 people. (Add $15 for each additional person after that. ) To reserve your session date, you will need to send the $125 session fee either by check or go to "online ordering" then click on "Products" to pay by credit card.(If there are additional persons at your photo shoot, the remainder of the session fee should be paid on the day of the session.)

If you have to reschedule because of sickness, or another reason, please contact Jennifer as soon as possible and we will reschedule you a.s.a.p. Your $125 reservation fee will be applied to the rescheduled appt. only if you reschedule once, after that, there will be another $25 fee to do so. Rainy days do not count as one of your rescheduled days if we have to reschedule for that.

If you have any questions about any of this, please contact me.

Thank you!

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